Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The myth of ' MARITAL RAPE ' and how media / feminists wants you to believe for their vested AGENDA

1. The first myth :: IPC 375/376 legalises ' MARITAL RAPE ' :: Absolutely no , its a blatant lie by stooges of #feminism . Just Google the IPC 375/376 and check MARITAL exception clause .  It states , " Sexual intercourse by a man with his wife above 15 years is not RAPE " .It clearly mentioned as normal sexual intercourse , not FORCEFUL ! , hence its marital sex ( not marital rape ) .  Note :: Age of consent is been kept at 15 to coincide it with religious sharia laws which allows marriage upon PUBERTY

2. Myth ::  Surprise sex :: RAPE ! .
Absolutely NO !! . In India arranged marriages are very common and often random unknown boys / girls are married to each other .Their parents consent first , followed by partners CONSENT at the marriage altar . So on first night of marriage , if groom INCITES the reluctant bride , its a SURPRISE SEX , not rape . Bride though uncomfortable initially , facilitates  it later with increased STIMULAI , the bride surrenders willfully . Its NATURAL and how the HETERO SEXUALITY works ! .  Often Groom finds out bride is not virgin ( absence of hymen ) , this not addressed and victimises / traumatises man which  is fraud / cheating of first kind . More often husbands go threw depression . Feminists are silent on this , calling it as ' empowered ' kind

 3. Media says every 2 in 3 married girls r forced in a marriage !!  Isnt it a joke !? Or does that mean 80 percent of indian population is born out of ' rapists'!?. Its a sick and absurd propaganda by feminists , exaggerating the myths to spread #misandry.

 4. Another propaganda  , consent is needed even for  married couples . Again a illogical argument , as marriage equals consent , and no couple ( married or unmarried) sign the CONSENT FORMS before every sexual activity . The peeping tom kind of feminists now actively into vigilantism , want to peep in bedroom and assume whats happening ! . Why bother other partners or don't they trust their husbands itself ?! , then why the hell they got married!? . Wife can simply walk out in case of any violence , nobody can force her to stay with husband and get abused . Get divorced and do not ask alimony  , earn yourself

5. One of the biggest reason for drafting ' marital rape ' bill will b the privilege for a wife to commit adultery . With such laws she can easily deny sex to husband , and stray with her boyfriend . If husband objects , he will be threatened with 'MARITAL RAPE ' FIR .

I hope real men and women realise this deep infestations and save the family system from devastation creating social chaos

#MaritalRape  #feminism

1 comment:

  1. Very clearly explained the myths created by feminist as rightly said and agreed by the world #FeminismIsCruelty #FeminismIsCancer #FeminismIsToxic and most important why do these so called victim of marital rape needs a new law. As we already have provisions for this. Read 498a says cruelty by husband emotionally, socially, economically and physically. That means if any violence related to sex can be raised in 498a and then we have DV act there also we have provisions of physical violence by husband.
    But the purpose for #MaritalRape will term husband as rapist and as per IPC 375 is non bialable and there will be a tremendous pressure on husband and his family to get out of the jail as there will be no bail granted by court. Which these #DisgruntledWomen are finding difficult to get their husband n in laws arrested. Due to SC guidelines stated in arnesh Kumar vs state of bihar, 2014. So, the agenda for #MaritalRape is only to increase #LegalTerrorism and #LegalExtortion and the lawyers, police n judges business will flourish which has been affected by crpc41a amendments from landmark judgement of arnesh Kumar in 2014.
